dal·li·ance /ˈdalēəns/ noun
- a casual romantic or sexual relationship.
- brief or casual involvement with something.
“Aha! I say,” The alabaster man in the top hat chortled. “Yes, this was a grand idea, to give folks five day instead of seven day work-weeks.”
“Indubitably, my good man,” The other, chalkier fellow responded, equally top-hatted. “Now that the fine citizens of these United States have two days a week to go out into the world with their families, they will spend so much more of their money!”
“Naturally,” The frock-coated pale woman across from them replied, at ease knowing she was in power but not at the top and so not ever, never, would be blamed. “The prices of goods and services will need to increase. That's just how an economy works—”
“And naturally,” The first man interrupted. “These people will need to work even harder those other five days, in order to stay in our good graces and keep their jobs.”
“After all,” The second man agreed good-naturedly. “How else will the upstanding citizens of these United States be able to afford all the merriment that we allow them to now partake in the other two days?”
“So true,” The woman spoke up, eagerly, but pleasantly, feminine and refined. “So true.”
“I'd say this was a grand outreach indeed, an outstanding effort, at our charitable activity for this here fiscal year.”
“Here, here!” The other two replied. The three venerated figures chortled in unison.
“Now that we have that over with,” The first man said, recomposing himself into a picture of sanctimony, “Let us continue our board meeting. Do remind me of the next topic.”
“Continued reduction of health coverage!” The woman exclaimed before the other man could. He grumbled his unease at her speaking out of turn.
“Rightly so,” The first man said to the woman. “Rightly so. Let us begin.”
They turned back to the PowerPoint presentation as the first man tapped his phone screen to advance the slides.