dal·li·ance /ˈdalēəns/ noun
- a casual romantic or sexual relationship.
- brief or casual involvement with something.
“Aha! I say,” The alabaster man in the top hat chortled. “Yes, this was a grand idea, to give folks five day instead of seven day work-weeks.”
“Indubitably, my good man,” The other, chalkier fellow responded, equally top-hatted. “Now that the fine citizens of these United States have two days a week to go out into the world with their families, they will spend so much more of their money!”
/pak(t)/ noun
- a formal agreement between individuals or parties.
“So you know how we made that pact at 15 that when we lived in the same city again we’d go on our road trip?”
Rhea just stared at the woman standing across from her on the front doorstep, trekking dirt onto the otherwise clean welcome mat. The woman wore boots that could have been a homeless man’s second-to-worst pair of shoes and sunglasses that were more expensive than any pair Rhea owned.
“Well, I’m back!”
spi·ral·ing /ˈspī-rəl-ēŋ/ verb
- moving in a spiral course. causing to have a spiral shape or follow a spiral course.
- showing a continuous and dramatic increase. decreasing or deteriorating continuously.
Hands tapping, fingers flying over keys. Brow furrowed, shoulders hunched. Writing is art, art is pain, pain is life. Yes, yes, YES!
He’s done it. He. Has. Done. It. Completed. Kaput.
His masterpiece. His magnum opus. The best thing he will ever create, the thing he’s been working toward his whole life, his whole existence.
And yet.
ca·dence /ˈkādns/ noun
- a modulation or inflection of the voice.
- a sequence of notes or chords comprising the close of a musical phrase.
It was Thursday night, which meant Family Dinner, which meant Gabby would have to come clean. Her twin sister, Arielle, already knew, and had promised under threat of blackmail not to tell. It was Gabby's news to share.
“So, Arielle, any fun plans for the weekend?” their mother, Patricia, asked breezily as she passed the dish of sautéed spinach across the table to the eldest twin. Since they'd turned sixteen a year ago, their parents had rewarded Arielle — and begrudgingly, Gabby — with a greater sense of freedom and autonomy. Though as their mom, Betty, liked to jokingly threaten, “privileges can be revoked at any time.” So far, that time hadn't come, and the twins intended to keep it that way. Well, had intended, anyway.
/stôrm/ noun
- a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.
- a tumultuous reaction; an uproar or controversy.
Content warning: suicide, language
I learned the hard way that I am my biggest enemy, the biggest monster under my bed, the biggest boogie man in my closet. No one else. Just me.
/depTH/ noun
- the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something.
- the quality of being intense or extreme.
- a point far below the surface.
Content warning: violence, language
5:57am. Saturday, August 2nd. 54 degrees Fahrenheit. Still air.
A rusty metal pole. Faded ‘76’ and ‘45’ lettered near the top in yellow paint. Cigarette butts scattered at its base.
A woman, leaning, waiting. Hands in the pockets of her oversized half-zipped hoodie. Low cut v-neck cropped tank underneath. Jean shorts cut off at her upper thighs, ripped hems. Scuffed black and white sneakers. One foot scraping back and forth on the pavement, shredding the cigarette remains through pure friction.
Another girl walks up the sidewalk toward the bus stop. She’s dressed in scrubs. A high schooler, part of the hospital’s teen summer intern program.
The woman has been expecting her.
di·chot·o·my /dīˈkädəmē/ noun
- a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
Content warning: language
They last got their nails done together four years ago. After a summer of lemonade stands, saved allowance, and nagging their parents, Merry and Kelly's moms finally agreed the best friends could get manicures before the start of eighth grade.
It was surprisingly chilly for August. But it wasn't even lunch yet, so Merry didn't overthink the slight breeze. She strode up to the salon on the outer wall of the local mall, hyper-focusing on what color she'd choose for her first-ever manicure: fuchsia…or hot pink. She'd grown out her nails carefully for the past month. The start of eighth grade was her one chance to make a statement. It was practically high school. It would basically set her up for life, really.
char·i·ot /ˈCHerēət/ noun
- a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in ancient warfare and racing.
This is a love story.
The girl sits alone in her room. She's supposed to be working from home, but it's been one of those days. The kind where she feels hopeless and lost, unmotivated and out of ideas. She got up to go to the bathroom and ended up scrolling through 30 second videos for an hour, and then only pushed herself up out of that daze to download an app advertised to her after the 200th video she watched (give or take).
Her partner works in another space in the apartment, his desk customized to his very specific interests and much better than the desk he'd had back at the office. Much more his style. He's been focused, diligent — okay, yes, he's taken a break here or there, but he's been looking forward to their plans for the evening: grocery shopping together, then cooking together, then cuddling onto the sofa together. Together. They've been apart all day, and he looks forward to when that no longer has to be the case.
- the natural satellite of the earth, visible (chiefly at night) by reflected light from the sun.
- behave or move in a listless and aimless manner.
It was Saturday night, date night, and there were only three weeks left before the end of high school. Katrina prided herself on making this recurring weekly date night happen — she felt so grown-up, so mature. So ready for graduating and the rest of their lives together.
She'd gotten the idea from her mom and dad, two of the people she admired most in this world, and since they had such a steadfast marriage, Katrina was sure a similar tradition following in their footsteps would keep her and Chloe going strong. She'd even chosen to have their first date night, seven months ago, at the same restaurant she knew her parents had their first date at: Lu's Wok House. Sure, it wasn't her and Chloe's first ever meeting — they'd been friends since sophomore year of high school. But only in the beginning of senior year did Katrina find the courage to come out to Chloe, and find to her great relief and happiness that Chloe felt the same. So it was fitting to Katrina, then, for their first official date (not just another night out as friends) to eat at the same place that led to her parents' happily ever after.
And so it was this Saturday night, three weeks before the end of high school, that Katrina had chosen Lu's Wok House again for their date night.
miz·pah /ˈmizpə/ noun
- the deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death.
Content warning: this piece references death and suicide
When Jacob attempted to pick up the pen, he got lost. Lost in his thoughts, lost in his doubt, lost in his grief, lost in his desire. The pen may have been mightier than the sword, but it was nothing to heartbreak. This writing, what did it mean to him – NOTHING – if he couldn't bring his best friend back?
He sat back in his chair, willing the screams to stay down because his studio apartment didn't have soundproofing, and he didn't want the neighbors to call the cops on him.